الأحد، نوفمبر 15، 2009

من أعمال التشكيلي محمد بن لامين الجديدة للمشاركة في بينالي فلورنسا الدولي بايطاليا

2009 الفنان محمد بن لامين في بينالي فلورنسا

tree of women

Posted by Mohamad Bin Lamin in his page


on November 12, 2009

as one plates of his Participation in Florence Biennale 2009.

Biennale artists from all over the world will exhibit more than 2,500 works of art and will take part in the exhibition for an extraordinary encounter between different cultures, styles and languages as the “Dialogue among Civilization” program promotes, the Biennale has been officially participating in this program since 2001.
As always, the Biennale will see the presence of important artists: In the 2007 edition, the "Lorenzo il Magnifico" career prize was conferred to Gilbert & George, for the 2005 edition to Christo and Jeanne-Claude and to Richard Anuszkiewicz and in 2003 to David Hockney.

->إقراء المزيد...

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